Friday, March 31, 2006

Ann Coulter Given 30 Days to Explain Vote Fraud Felony Allegation!

From Brad Blog

Palm Beach, FL Election Supervisor May Refer Charges to State Attorney if GOP Pundit/Propagandist Fails to Prove She Didn't Lie About Residency...
UPDATED: Property Records Show an 'Ann H Coulter' Owns a $1.8 Million House on Seabreeze Ave. in Palm Beach

You'll recall that in February the Palm Beach Post reported that "conservative" extremist Ann Coulter may have committed a vote fraud felony by signing someone else's address to her registration form in Florida and then voting in the wrong precinct -- a crime which, if convicted, could earn her three years behind bars.

(It's been pointed out to us that such bars would have to be very close together to keep her from simply slithering through them to escape...Though even at that, we're not sure there is steel strong enough to keep her from being able to chew her way to freedom. But we digress.)

A few days after the story originally broke, Coulter claimed publicly she didn't even live in Palm Beach where she reportedly committed the crime. The Post reporter who broke the story, Jose Lambiet, quickly replied that he had hard evidence that she does, in fact, live in Palm Beach (next door to town councilman Bill Brooks on Seabreeze Ave.) and he characterized Coulter's denial as "absolutely a bold-faced lie."

Yesterday the Palm Beach Post offered still more "skinny" on the latest in the Ann Coulter Voter Fraud Felony Scandal. Her denials about being a Palm Beach resident is about to be tested -- first by the Palm Beach County Election Supervisor Arthur Anderson, and then perhaps by the Florida State Attorney to whom the entire matter may be referred.

Coulter's now got 30 days to 'splain herself, according to Lambiet in the Post. Please read on...

This time, claiming she doesn't even live here — as GOP pundit Ann Coulter has been doing on this spring's college speaking tour when she's questioned about her February election meltdown on Palm Beach — isn't going to cut it.

Palm Beach County's elections supervisor has given the right wing's unofficial mouthpiece 30 days to explain why she voted in the wrong precinct.

In a registered letter scheduled to be sent to her this week, Coulter is asked to "clarify certain information as to her legal residence," elections boss Arthur Anderson said.

"We want to give her a chance," Anderson said. "She needs to tell us where she really lives."

Or else? He could refer the case to State Attorney Barry Krischer for criminal charges, Anderson said.

The letter, however, may be headed to the wrong house.

The bestselling author, whose The New Ann Coulter comes out in June, owns a homestead on Seabreeze Avenue, near Worth Ave. Yet, the missive is being sent to the Indian Road home of Realtor Suzanne Frisbie. Coulter claimed in official elections documents to be living there, which Frisbie denied last month.

"We have to send the registered letter to her address in our records," explained Charmaine Kelly, elections chief deputy. "If it comes back unsigned, we'll deal with that."

In his official incident report released last week, poll worker Jim Whited wrote that Coulter tried to vote in the Feb. 7 town council election at Bethesda-by-the-Sea, the right place for a Seabreeze resident. Coulter left in a hurry when, Whited said, he asked her to correct the record. Later she cast her ballot at the St. Edward's precinct, where real Indian Road residents go.

Coulter, a constitutional lawyer who relentlessly made fun of Palm Beach County voters after the botched 2000 presidential election, couldn't be reached for comment.
It's also been mentioned to us that Coulter could well be registered (illegally) to vote in New York and/or Connecticut as well as Florida. Anyone looking into that? We don't have time for the moment, but we're always happy to hear from erstwhile citizen investigators and/or tipsters who may have additional information on that.

With all of the despicably cynical GOP operatives out there trying to trick Americans into believing this country has an epidemic of Voter Fraud (it doesn't...but Election Fraud is an entirely different matter) it would certainly be impressive to see one of those snake-oil men (yes, I'm talking to you, ACVR) aggressively pursue the truth about their heroine hate-monger Coulter and her alleged Voting Fraud.

We fear, however, she may be neither dark enough nor "Democrat" enough for such creeps to spend their well-funded time on.

UPDATE: A DU commenter points us towards the Palm Beach Property Appraisers Public Access system which shows an "Ann H Coulter" who purchased a $1.8 million dollar property on Seabreeze Ave. in Palm Beach in March of 2005. Complete public info here.

UPDATE 3/31/06: Coulter's alleged Voter Fraud earns her Buzzflash's Hypocrite of the Week Award! Congratulations Ann!


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