Tuesday, February 28, 2006

So, this is one of those "activist judges" we've been hearing about...

Tenn. judge lets anti-gay vote proceed

A Tennessee judge has ruled that an anti-gay amendment vote may proceed, even though legislators failed to meet a deadline laid out in the state Constitution.

Under Tennessee rules, a constitutional amendment must pass two legislative sessions before facing a public vote. After an amendment passes the first session, lawmakers must publish a legal notice six months prior to the next election. The rule is meant to ensure that the public can take the amendment into account before electing the next legislature.

In 2004, the state's General Assembly advanced a constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage. But instead of posting notice in May, it waited until June 20, missing the deadline by roughly six weeks. While it may appear to be a technicality, it is in fact a clear-cut violation of state law and should have been enough to invalidate the amendment and send the lawmakers back to square one.

Baghdad Burning - River Bend

Volatile Days...

Go read!

Semper Fi

Teach the Children Well

I saw this on the Tennessee Guerilla Women's site and had to share. I appreciate everyone's religious beliefs and appreciate anyone who can manage to balance their liberal views with their religious ideology. Personally, I consider myself a Christian, but after some pretty nasty experiences in the church, I can't bring myself to reconcile the two. The things happening in the church today and reading things like this scare me even more for the future of Christianity and for the good people I know, like those of you here who have found the balance.

Radical Right Training Kids to Fight in Culture War

Fighting to end the separation of church and state, fighting gay rights and abortion rights are just a few of the things rightwingers in East Tennessee are training children for in a group called Generation Joshua.

While Generation Joshua bills itself as "designed for Christian youth between the ages of 11 and 19 who want to become a force in the civic and political arenas," the group seems to primariliy target Christian homeschoolers.

Generation Joshua's website says the goal is to "ignite a vision in young people to help America return to her Judeo-Christian foundations." With 31 chapters in the nation, the East Tennessee chapter is the largest.

After looking at some of the photos on the rightwing website, it becomes obvious that these kids are also being used as free labor for Republican candidates.
Bill Waldrep can't vote yet, and he can't run for political office, but at 14 he's leading one of the most influential groups of young people in the country. They're called Generation Joshua. School aged kids who meet once a month to learn about civics and politics.
President Bill Waldrep says his group is against abortion and same sex marriage. As a faith based organization, Generation Joshua promotes conservative viewpoints. 16 year old Kaity Proctor is taking a stand against separation of church and state.

"We took the church out of the state, but you've still got that thing of our founding fathers were Christians and they put God in the government and the way things have gone now, it's just gone almost," Kaity says.

Almost 3/4

Think Progress - 72% of U.S. Troops Want Out of Iraq Within One Year

Semper Fi


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